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Updated on Apr 11, 2023

What is Mulungu


Mulungu, also known as Erythrina mulungu, is a tree species native to South and Central America. It belongs to the Fabaceae family, and its bark has been used for centuries by indigenous communities for its medicinal properties. Mulungu is also widely used in traditional medicine and has gained popularity worldwide for its calming effects.




The use of Mulungu dates back to ancient times. It was used by the indigenous people of South and Central America for its calming properties. The name "mulungu" is derived from the Tupi-Guarani language and means "tree of dreams." The tree was believed to have the power to induce vivid and meaningful dreams, and it was often used in spiritual ceremonies.


Botanical Info


Mulungu is a medium-sized tree that can grow up to 15 meters in height. It has a broad and dense crown with a smooth, gray bark. The leaves are trifoliate, and the flowers are pink or red and bloom in the rainy season. The fruit is a long, slender pod containing seeds.




Mulungu contains several bioactive compounds, including alkaloids, flavonoids, and triterpenes. Some of the alkaloids found in Mulungu include erythravine, erythrabyssin II, and erythratidin. Flavonoids such as kaempferol, quercetin, and rutin are also present in the plant. These compounds are believed to be responsible for Mulungu's calming and sedative effects.




Mulungu has a long history of use as a natural sedative and anxiolytic. It is believed to have a calming effect on the nervous system, helping to alleviate anxiety, stress, and insomnia. It has also been used to treat hypertension and epilepsy. The sedative effects of Mulungu are similar to those of benzodiazepines, but without the negative side effects.




Mulungu is primarily used for its calming and sedative effects. It is commonly used as a natural remedy for anxiety, stress, and insomnia. Mulungu is available in various forms, including tea, tinctures, and capsules. It can also be smoked as an herbal cigarette.


Medicinal Use


Mulungu has a long history of use in traditional medicine. It is commonly used to treat anxiety, stress, and insomnia. It has also been used to treat hypertension and epilepsy. Mulungu is believed to have sedative and anxiolytic effects, making it a useful natural remedy for those suffering from anxiety and insomnia.




Mulungu is a relatively easy plant to grow. It prefers well-drained soils and can tolerate both full sun and partial shade. Mulungu can be propagated from seeds, which should be soaked in water for 24 hours before planting. The plant can also be propagated from cuttings.




Mulungu can be stored in a cool, dry place. The bark can be stored in an airtight container and used as needed. Mulungu tea and tinctures should be stored in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.




This article was written with the help of the following resources:


The Encyclopedia of Psychoactive Plants by Christian Rätsch

Rain tree - The Tropical Plant Database

Wikipedia Mulungu