1987 - MDMA (Ecstasy) Prohibited in New Zealand Despite Little Evidence of Harm
January 1, 1987 – Team MindFuel

1987 - Despite little evidence of any actual MDMA related harm, the substance 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine was prohibited by the US Drug Enforcement Agency in 1985. Sadly New Zealand followed suit in 1987 scheduling the substance as a class B controlled drug under MODA.
Update 2/5/2019 - MDMA prohibition has failed in New Zealand and street-pills of various quality ranging from fairly safe pure MDMA to extremely toxic PMA are widely available on the underground market. Recent scientific research shows many positive mental health benefits and suggests the substance should be rescheduled as a prescription medicine. Here at MindFuel we all agree MDMA would be a perfect candidate to be legalized and regulated under the PSA. This would ensure pills were pure and unadulterated, sold in sensible dosage with accurate harm reduction info @ point of sale. This legal market would greatly reduce methamphetamine use in New Zealand. For the time being MDMA is still illegal so we can not recommend its use. If you do choose to use, get a EZ test kit so you at least know what you are consuming.
Further Information
Erowid MDMA Vault - MDMA general info
EcstasyData.org - Lab testing results for street XTC