Vaping Crackdown: new laws will regulate age, ban advertising, limit flavours
February 23, 2020 – Team MindFuel

New laws set to be introduced to Parliament on Monday will ban vape sales to anyone under 18, as well as ban advertising and limit available flavours.
However the Government has ruled out a complete prohibition on vape products because it sees vaping as one way to help smokers quit more harmful cigarettes.
As opposed to complete prohibition, The Smokefree Environments and Regulated Products Vaping Amendment Bill will see that vaping will be regulated closer to how tobacco is regulated. There will be a complete prohibition on adverting and sponsorship.
There will also be tighter regulation around the safety for vapes, flavours and ingredients that will allow the Ministry of Health to recall, suspend and issue warnings about vaping products.
The sale of flavoured vaping products and e-cigarettes will be restricted to R18 specialty stores, while dairies and service stations will be limited to selling just 3 flavours.
Vapers will also no longer be able to vape or use smokeless tobacco in places that are smoke-free.
Associate Health Minister Jenny Salesa said the law changes were a considered approach and would ensure vaping products remained available as a "quit tool" for cigarette smokers, while not encouraging new users or allowing them to be sold to children.
"Our Government has heard from a large number of smokers who say vaping is helpful for them to be able to quit cancer-causing cigarettes. However we have also heard from parents, teachers and principals who want to make sure vaping companies are stopped from marketing to kids."
The Bill would help New Zealand achieve its Smokefree 2025 Goal, she said.
Here at MindFuel we believe the Government has shown wisdom in choosing regulation rather than prohibition. History has shown prohibition always fails as it simply pushes products underground and maximizes harm. Regulation is the solution to reducing the harms associated with any psychoactive substance, including the harms caused by nicotine.
Sources:, NZ Herald, MOH.