What Are Terpenes?

March 8, 2018 – Team MindFuel

What Are Terpenes?
What Are Terpenes?
What are Terpenes?
Secreted in the same glands that produce cannabinoids like THC and CBD in the Cannabis plant, Terpenes are the pungent oils that color cannabis varieties with distinctive flavors like berry, citrus, lavender and mint. Besides their wonderful aromas, terpenes play a large role in producing and influencing the medicinal and enjoyable effects of cannabis. Various terpenes are responsible for various effects.
Terpenes are 100% legal. Terpenes do not contain THC, CBD, tobacco, nicotine or psychoactive chemicals.
Some Common Terpenes Found in Cannabis
The following are five of the most common terpenes to be found in the various strains of Cannabis:
  • Alpha-Pinene, Beta-Pinene (Memory + energy + focus)
  • Caryophyllene (Painkilling + anti-inflammatory + CB1 Cannabinoid receptor agonist)
  • Limonine (Mood lifter + anti-depressant + anti-anxiety)
  • Linalool (Relax body & mind + sleep + painkilling / anti-inflammatory)
  • Mycrene (Couchlock effect (stoned) + Cannabinoid uptake enhancer)
How to use Terpenes
Terpene drops can be simply added to any legal smoking herb, tobacco, vaping mix or e-liquid to enhance the aroma. Simply add 1-2 drops per session. It is recommended to allow the terpenes a few minutes to dry and/or mix before use.
Are Terpenes Safe?
Terpenes are made from natural food grade ingredients that are generally regarded as safe, however some terpenes may not be suitable for pregnant or breastfeeding women so we therefore advise you to avoid if pregnant or breastfeeding.
Where to source Terpenes
Your best source of Terpenes is right here @ MindFuel. Our CBX Terpenes formulas are available in the following varities:
  • Focus
  • Flow
  • Relax
  • Relief
  • Sense

The CBX Terpene formulations are available as either pure terpene drops as well as premixed E-Liquid blends.

Mindfuel Tip: Try adding CBX Terpene Drops to these four Herbs Used As Cannabis Alternatives.


  • Kirsty : January 22, 2023
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    cbx terpenes for a non smoker,
    Can this be used in an edible sense?

  • Kirsty : January 22, 2023
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    cbx terpenes for a non smoker,
    Can this be used in an edible sense?

  • Team MindFuel: October 12, 2019
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    Re: Joy – The CBX Terpene Drops can technically be added to any one of our Smoking | Vaping Herbs: https://mindfuel.co.nz/collections/smoking-vaping-herbs

    If you are new to smoking | vaping herbs, start with one of these: Blue Lotus, California Poppy, Damiana, Hops buds, Lavender, Lemon Balm, Marshmallow, Marihuanilla, Klip Dagga, Red Raspberry, Passion Flower, Pink Lotus, Skullcap, White Lotus, Wild Dagga or Wild Opium Lettuce.

    These herbs are all available at the link above and are our most popular for smoking and vaping.

    You can read about the specific effect of each herb on the products page (or google for more info) and choose a base herb that suits your needs.

    It’s best to try single herbs alone for a start, but once you know the effects of the different herbs you can blend them to create a mix that works for you.

    Yes the terpenes come as drops.

    When you say vape you mean dry herb vaporizer right? If so yes. However if you mean e-cigarette, you can, but its better to get the CBX Terpenes E-Liquid and just use that. The E-Liquid is alcohol free, it just uses VG (Organic Vegetable Glycerin) as a base. The E-Liquid can also be rubbed into soles of feet to enhance effects, they absorb through the skin. The Terpene Drops are a tincture better suited to drying on dry herb, or dissolving waxy herbal extracts. Hope that helps.

  • Joy: September 12, 2019
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    What are the four herbs you talk about to add the relief Terpene too ?
    Does the terpene come as drops could my sister add to her vape ?
    Thank you joy

  • Jean Beardsall: May 10, 2018
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    just want all of you to know of my first experience with CBX Relief. I actually mixed two drops with 1/4 tsp of sunflower oil – let it stand then rubbed on the soles of my feet last night as well as putting a very tiny bit on spots on my body that were hurting namely crown of head, back of neck & lower back. The pain disappeared and numbness lessened in my normally numb feet ! I went comfortably to sleep – woke at 3pm (normal for me) to go to the bathroom and found my legs and feet so much better I could walk easily – amazing! When I got up this morning it was the same.

    Imagine if the plant becomes legal – we could grow our own and put it in the bath – make it into lotions and salves and rub any part of our body that’s painful!

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