New Vape Regulations
November 12, 2020 – Team MindFuel

New laws intended to discourage young people from vaping while allowing smokers to continue using vaping as a way to give up cigarettes took effect on 11 November 2020. The new laws that apply are similar to those around tobacco smoking.
Some of the key initial changes are:
- The sale or supply of vaping products to under 18s is prohibited
- indoor vaping is prohibited at workplaces, restaurants and licensed premises
- vaping is prohibited at schools and early childhood centres (including outdoors)
- most advertising and sponsorship of vaping products is prohibited
- retailers cannot encourage the use of vaping products (with some exceptions for specialist vape retailers).
Retailers and vendors are required to operate as either specialist vape shops (At least 50% of sales must be vape products, must have brick and mortar store, not online-only-store.) or general retailers (everyone else).
Here at MindFuel we are a specialist wholesaler and online-only retailer of herbal aromatherapy vaporizers.These products will remain available and are unaffected by the new law changes. Well other than the fact customs are still illegally seizing vaporizers as bongs.
Some herbal smoking and vaping products may possibly be caught by various new product prohibitions which will be introduced over the next year.
More information about the changes to vaping and smokeless tobacco products is available on the Ministry of Health website.
Source: MOH