New synthetic cathinone dimethylpentylone detected in NZ

December 8, 2021 – Team MindFuel

New synthetic cathinone dimethylpentylone detected in NZ
New synthetic cathinone dimethylpentylone detected in NZ
High Alert has issued a notification to let you know that a new synthetic cathinone has been detected in New Zealand. Dimethylpentylone was found in two samples tested by KnowYourStuffNZ in Dunedin, including in a pink ‘Playboy’ tablet that was sold as MDMA. 

Very little is known about dimethylpentylone. Its harm profile is unknown, and as such its dosage, effects and any health implications are unknown. 

High Alert strongly discourages people from taking this substance. Testing of any tablets or powder is recommended to help lower the risks. KnowYourStuffNZ and the NZ Drug Foundation are running drug checking clinics across the country throughout summer to help reduce harm - check the schedule here.

It's possible tablets containing dimethylpentylone are being sold as MDMA in other regions of New Zealand. Please share this notification with anyone you know who may need it - this will help keep others safer. You can find out more information at the  High Alert website.


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