Cannabis possession discretion laws appear to benefit Pākehā most
May 6, 2023 – Team MindFuel
Cannabis possession discretion laws appear to benefit Pākehā most
The 2019 law change that granted greater police discretion over cannabis possession charges has led to a significant drop in cannabis convictions, with Pākehā benefiting the most, according to recent reports. Despite an overall reduction in cannabis possession convictions, decriminalization advocates point to the fact that Pākehā convictions have dropped at a higher rate than any other ethnicity, highlighting the continued presence of systemic racism within the justice system.
Calls for cannabis decriminalization
The Green Party has called for further action, pointing out that over 1000 people are still being convicted for possession each year. They argue that this shows that the law is out of sync with public opinion and calls for decriminalization. While the reduction in convictions is a positive development, it is clear that more needs to be done to address the underlying issues of racial inequality and discrimination within the justice system. Cannabis decriminalization would be a good place to start.