1965 - New Zealand Passes the Narcotics Act 1965 - Cannabis Prohibited

February 2, 1970 – Team MindFuel

1965 - New Zealand Passes the Narcotics Act 1965 - Cannabis Prohibited
1965 - New Zealand Passes the Narcotics Act 1965 - Cannabis Prohibited

1965 - While the recreational use of Cannabis was Prohibited in 1927, Medicinal cannabis continued to be utilized as a prescription medicine. Unfortunately for the world, the united nations in 1961 passed its awful Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs. In accordance with its international obligations under this act, New Zealand sadly passed the Narcotics Act in 1965, which prohibited a number of beneficial substances including Cannabis.

Update 29/04/2019 - Cannabis Prohibition has failed in every way (a total disaster for all concerned) and Cannabis has grown in popularity and acceptance ever since. It is expected to be legalized in the 2020 referendum. Shocking its taken so long really, lets hope common sense prevails @ referendum time.


*We wanted to post this blog as 1965, but our blog wont allow us to set the date before 1970, so we set it to that instead.


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