Kawa Kawa Seeds (Piper excelsum) Maori Kava Organic Seeds

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Common Names: Kawa Kawa, Maori Kava.
Botanical Name: (Macropiper excelsum).
Family: Piperaceae (Pepper family).

Description: A small tree or shrub up to 6m with large heart shaped aromatic leaves. Common throughout the North & the top half of the South Island from sea level to 600m.

Cultivation: Seed treatment is recommended to speed up germination.

Usage: Kawa~Kawa is a New Zealand native plant and was one of the most important plants in traditional Maori medicine. It is still widely used as a herbal remedy today.

Description: Fleshy shrub with jointed green twigs bearing large green glossy heart-shaped thin leaves with hard green flower spikes to 200mm. Leaves to 200mm wide, veins radiating from stalk, slightly peppery to taste. Fruit orange.

Quantity: 20 Seeds per pack.

Shipping Restrictions: There are no restrictions, we can ship this product worldwide.