Cops Raid Cannabis Club in Wellington
August 24, 2019 – Team MindFuel
Wellington's first cannabis club 'The Daktory' as been raided and its founder 'Dakta Green' has been taken into custody.
Green along with club supporter John Middeldrop appeared at the Wellington District Court on Saturday charged with several counts of the possession and supply of cannabis along with "cannabis baked goods" and "a slice of cannabis chocolate brownie".
Bail is being opposed for both Green and Middeldrop and they will appear before a judge on Monday morning.
With so much alcohol related violence reported daily in the news it seems odd the Police would have the resources left, let alone bother with a bunch of hippies smoking pot and playing table tennis. We wish Green and Middledrop all the best with their case.
Don't forget to register and vote YES to Legalise Cannabis in the upcoming 2020 election so as to stop the arrests of the cannabis culture and ensure police resources are spent where they are really needed.
Figuring its the tax free pot sales rather than pot smoking itself that would likely have motivated the police to take action in this situation. I doubt they would bother raiding a club that was BYO only so close to the coming law change.
Agree with Martin, Legalise it in 2020
Waste of resources! Make it Legal in 2020!